成為 HOMEE 供應商

一、如何成為 HOMEE 供應商 New Vendor Product Proposal

一、如何成為 HOMEE 供應商 New Vendor Product Proposal



收到貴公司提報的商品資訊後,我們將於 4 周之內回覆您。如有任何問題,歡迎於營業時間 (週一至週五,上午 10 點至下午 6 點) 向智能客服線上詢問。

歡迎透過 HOMEE 新品提報 提案。

Dear Vendor,

Welcome to submit a new product proposal to HOMEE. To help us better understand your company and products, please complete the following questionnaire and provide relevant information to expedite the evaluation process. Kindly include your company's email address, contact person, and phone number for further communication. Upon receiving your product information, we will respond within 4 weeks. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us Monday to Friday, from 10 am to 6 pm, Taipei local time.

We appreciate your cooperation and look forward to reviewing your proposal.

二、新品提案需知 New Product Notice

HOMEE 隨時歡迎 新商品 的加入。為節省您的時間,請您先行檢閱以下注意事項:

  • 品質:優質商品,由供應商給予保證,維護 HOMEE 商譽及會員滿意度。

  • 報價:務必呈交提案商品可能的最低成本報價。包含提案商品內含成本、展示活動、損毀品處理、廣告及行銷費用占比、退佣折讓與折扣方案。


    - 製造工廠運送至指定物流中心交貨。

    - 配送至消費者處。

  • 付款:電子轉帳(EFT)是我們優先選擇的付款方式。

  • 包裝:包裝應以環保為考量,須符合臺灣本地的包裝規範。

  • 採購:HOMEE 期望所有供應商針對所有商品提供可能的最低成本報價。供應商若未能始終如一並出於自願提供最低價之報價,將永久地終止其作為 HOMEE 貨源之資格。

New products are always welcome. In the interest of your time, as well as the time of our buyers, we recommend that you review the following buying specification worksheet:

  • Quality: High-quality merchandise guaranteed by our suppliers to maintain HOMEE's reputation and ensure member satisfaction.

  • Pricing: Price presentations should always reflect the lowest possible acquisition price. Item presentations should include a breakdown of all built-in costs, demos, spoils, advertising and marketing expenses, rebates, and introductory deals.

    A complete evaluation of freight methods for product distribution should be included in each presentation:

    - Manufacturing plant / distribution center.

    - Delivery to our customers.

  • Payment: Our preferred method of payment is electronic funds transfer (EFT).

  • Packaging: Packaging should be environmentally friendly and compliant with Taiwan's packaging regulations.

  • Purchasing Quotation: We expect all vendors to consistently and voluntarily provide the lowest possible acquisition price available on all items. Vendors who do not consistently and voluntarily offer their lowest prices to our buyers will be permanently discontinued as purchasing sources for HOMEE.
